Anime Festival Asia has been around since. It’s colloquially known as the Wallet-eater or as some people like to call it AFA, will be doing an exhibition in Singapore on this December.
Continue...Cosplay, what is it? The simple answer is, we don’t know.. or at least we didn’t know until now. On this Wednesday, we’ll be having an activity on all about cosplay and how to’s basically around it.
Continue...We’ll be watching another movie on this Wednesday’s screening, stemming from an old anime series and been packaged as a movie that compacted all of the episodes and compound it all together into one movie.
Continue...We’ll be contriving a trip to the almost-renowned ACG event in Malaysia right now. So what is AMG you might ask? Well, it’s basically a three words meshed together to form an acronym of AniManGaki.
Continue...Remember back in the old Wii commercials about two Japanese blokes that “would rike to purei (play)”? Well, we sort of want to do something similar for next week’s activity BUT we would like U to play instead.
Continue...If this question bounces back when you’re reading it, that means you’re in for our Drawing Session on this Wednesday.
Continue...Do you love the clickety-clickeroo like button that was pioneered by the curly hair dude on Facebook? Then, why not joining our group?
Continue...After our last activity with playing video games and cardfight, we’ll be on the roll with our usual weekly anime screening, as in the word usual, let’s make it a staple weekly screening ya?